
Yuan Yuan

Yuan Yuan is a food and product designer. Born in Karamay of China, she lives and works in Paris. She received a MFA degree at The Graduate School of Art and Design of Reims, France in 2010. In 2014, she founded her own design studio in Paris and constantly develops her own design ideas focusing on interactions between human and objects. As a food designer, she explores new sensory and emotional connection that people have with food through design experiments. She believes that food design can deeply reflect interactions between people and objects, as it can be enjoyed by anyone. The food setting she designed creates an original atmosphere of experiment that touches all senses. Her research is often related to well-being, health and nature.




设计说明: Silence,是对厨余垃圾,天然食物染料和着色的研究实验。 结合新技术和传统工艺,探寻材料和质感的多样性。透过食物新鲜、敏感和易变的特点去寻找它内在的稳定性,并以诗意且自然的方式将它融入到日常物品的设计中。 Silence,传递的是一种初始的、稳定的、柔韧细腻的平衡状态。这个拥有自然气味,触感接近于皮肤,微生物一样的透明感的新材料,利用手的触觉记忆,帮助人们在日常生活中构建人与物的友善关系。 Silence,是对可食用材料的使用形式和存在意义的提问,引导我们重新审视自己对食物、触觉、情感和环境之间的联系,探索人与自然的可持续发展。